The Importance of Vacation

We just got back from a great vacation! I am so thankful and blessed! We have been saying for years that we needed a whole month off in the summer. Being in the ministry is draining in a way that you donʼt understand unless youʼve been there. This was only the second summer we have taken that much time off after 15 years of doing ministry as a married couple. In those early years we didnʼt feel like we needed a break because we were super young and excited and not very busy. As we began to have children we got tired a lot easier and as they got older we got busier. As we moved, traveled, had more children, planted two churches from scratch, and started a Christian school we were really needing a vacation. The church we were at at the time told us we could not take a month off. So we didnʼt. Iʼm thankful the church we are at now allowed us time off. If your Pastor asks for some time off please support him in that. They carry a great burden 24/7 and need time to rest and reflect. ...