Pinterest Perfect House

Sometimes I have compared the many different homes I’ve lived in to other people’s homes. I have scratches on my used dining room table, mismatched furniture, and used furniture in my home. In year 16 of our marriage we finally have some matching furniture. We chose not to go into debt to purchase things like that. And it gave our home a unique style. A lot of the places we lived we rented so we could never paint the walls. I have lived in rental houses with brown paneling on the walls...But I loved it because it was in a beautiful vineyard and cow pasture with an old barn behind it and it had a beautiful view. I could sit at my vanity in the bedroom and look out and see the vineyard. That was the home that we had our first and only garden. That was the home that I learned how to can tomatoes in. When we lived in the single wide trailer we began a worldwide ministry. We didn’t have a big house to take care of or a big yard to take care of so we started a ministry! God ...