
Showing posts from August, 2024

Starting School

      Today was the first day of school for my boys. I have 4 boys from a Senior to a Kindergartener!  My middle two are in 8th grade and 10th grade. I laid in bed and prayed quietly for my boys this morning. Sometimes I “preach” loud at them but I think quiet prayer can do more than any yelling ever could.  When the older 3 were younger I would often ask the Lord why He thought I could handle that many boys. (Years later we had a 4th son and lost a 5th child in miscarriage). I couldn’t and I can’t parent without His grace and help along the way.  Children can be mirrors to parents. More is caught than taught.  Peers can be influencers or influenced. BE AN INFLUENCER 🔥  Sometimes the meanest kids in school are the ones who need the most love.  Pray for the students going back to school to have courage to swim against the stream, to be kind when it’s cool to be mean, to love their enemies and accept the outcasts.  Pray they can be an influencer for good around people with real faces, h