A Moment with the Master Week 1

Join me for a devotional I am writing called, A Moment with the Master.  I know we are all busy but as children of God we must spend time with Him each day, even if only for a moment in His Word and prayer.  My goal is to help you dig in the Word with some questions and thoughts for your time with God  through the week.  Here is Week 1...

1.Read John 4:1-8 and list the two people in this passage.

2. Where does this story take place?

3. Read John 4:9-14  What did Jesus mean by saying, "Whosever drinketh of  the water that I shall give him shall never thirst?"

4. Read John 4:15-19   Describe this woman's past.  Describe your past before you met Jesus as your Savior.

5. This woman said, "Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw" John 4:15  She was saying, 'I want what you have Jesus.  I want to be satisfied by you and not temporarily satisfied by the 'water' of this world'.  Describe the time in your life when you chose to cry out to Jesus to save you and give you eternal life and living water.

6. Read John 4:20-24  Once a person is saved, they can truly worship God.  According to this passage how do true worshippers worship God?

What do you think it means to worship God in spirit and in truth?

7. Read John 4 :25-30 What was the first thing the woman did after she met Jesus?

Pray for an opportunity this week to share your testimony with someone.  (Your testimony is the story of your life before you met Christ, how you met the Lord as Saviour and how your new life is after Christ has changed you.)


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