True Wisdom

1.      Pray a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord and praise Him for something He has done this week.  Pray Psalm 91 over your family.  This is great Scripture to add to your prayer time.
2.      Read James 3:13-18.  Do you think there is a difference between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom?  What is worldly wisdom?  What is godly wisdom? 
3.      The kind of wisdom that you have will show forth in your actions.  Are you bitter or envious towards people?  Are you always in the midst of strife and conflict?
4.      The wisdom from above, from God, is pure and peaceable.  Worldly wisdom causes envy and strife among other things.  God desires that we be at peace with people in all our relationships.  A lot of times if someone is envious or jealous of another person it causes strife and confusion.  You cannot control what other people feel, except through prayer.  You can control how you treat others.  I have been jealous of people in the past and I will take it to God in prayer and start praying for that person until the jealousy is removed and love is in its place.  Ask for God’s wisdom and love in dealing with people.
5.      Compare your actions to James 3:17.  How do you measure up?  What do you need to work on?  Pray and ask God to help you.
6.      Read James 3:18.  If you sow peace then you will reap righteousness.  What is one area that you need to “sow” or plant peace?  Is there something you need to make right with your spouse or your child?  Is there something you need to make right at work or at church?  With friends or family?  Sowing seeds of peace might be difficult because you may not see the results or the fruit right away.  God sees your actions and your heart in the matter.  He has the patience to wait and will give you the grace to wait also.
7.      You may not need to make anything right this week, but keep this in mind when you do.  Make every effort to actively live in peace with everyone instead of strife.
Look in your concordance for verses on wisdom and read all the verses and memorize your favorite one.  Then make that verse a daily prayer for wisdom.    


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