Young Living Oils, January Promos!

Hey y'all,

Happy New Year!  I hope y'all had a great Christmas season!  We got to see our family in Georgia and that was a blessing, even though it was a quick trip.

I wanted to let you know about the January Young Living promotions.  Copaiba is a favorite for a lot of folks who deal with pain on a regular basis.  The freebies are Copaiba, Spearmint, and Sleep Essence.

Copaiba Essential Oil supports the body's natural response to physical irritation or injury.  It aids digestion, helps regulate the body's natural immune response, and soothes minor physical discomforts and stiffness.  It helps pain and disease caused by inflammation like Arthritis, Lupus, MS, and Fibromyalgia.  Copaiba is also good for respiratory congestion, sinusitis and bronchitis

It magnifies the properties of other oils when you combine them with Copaiba.  Combine Copaiba and Oregano 2 to 1 or Blue Spruce and Copaiba 1 to 1.  

You can use this directly as needed topically or put 2 drops in a capsule and take 3 times a day or diffuse up to 1 hour a day.   

Spearmint Essential Oil boosts metabolism, assists in digestive upset, contains antioxidants, and supports the respiratory and nervous systems.  Spearmint is in the Citrus Fresh blend which I LOVE to drink daily in my water with Sweetleaf stevia.  This stuff is amazing!  You can put one drop in a glass of water or tea.  It helpscombat stress, release emotional blocks and bring balance.  

Use diluted (1 part spearmint to 2 parts vegetable oil).  Apply on abdomen, temples or Vitaflex points, inhale or ingest.

Sleep Essence supplement:  This is a safe, natural way to enable a full night's rest.  We all need good quality sleep to stay healthy.  When I was pregnant, my Doula told me "Sleep is medicine."  Well, I had always had trouble falling asleep until I started using Young Living.  I am so thankful to say that I have no trouble falling asleep now!  Praise God!   

Sleep Essence contains lavender, vetiver, valerian and ruta which contain natural melatonin.

Don't forget to sign up for Essential Rewards to save on shipping and get points for FREE products.  I just got 5 products for free with my reward points!

Go here to order:

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