Christians are doing what?!

So Iʼm sitting here in my minivan with my little one while some of my boys are at soccer practice in the rain. I havenʼt posted a blog in a week or two because life has been busy. We have been in the throes of homeschooling, all three boys playing travel soccer on three different teams, and of course Church. Oh and play practice.

Now that Iʼve updated you on my life I want to get to something thatʼs been heavy on my heart.
I have been seeing several per se famous Christian bloggers, speakers, authors, and Christian worship leaders coming out in the public eye with flat out sin. But they donʼt call it sin. I donʼt know what they think it is. It definitely makes them look more like the world instead of being separated from the world.

(I realize this may not be a popular post.)

So what am I talking about? What are they doing? Well they are cussing on their videos and social platforms and they are talking about alcohol and drinking beer or wine on their social platforms. This is so shocking to me and it makes me so sad.

We as Christians are supposed to be different from the world. Iʼm sure it must be hard when you have a big platform to not conform to the worldʼs ways. But to flat out cuss just to be cool? I really donʼt think thereʼs a need for that.

If someone wants to see somebody cuss and drink and smoke then there are plenty of worldly movies and TV shows that they can watch so why are we as Christians promoting those types of things from a Christian platform? I really donʼt understand.

God calls us to holiness. The word holiness has a connotation that means to separate. It doesnʼt mean we are supposed to live like the Amish and totally separate physically. It just means that the way we live our lives should look different than the way the world lives their lives.

Yes we drive cars and have TVs and computers and wear make up-but are you using those things as a vessel and tool for righteousness or unrighteousness?

Is what you are doing glorifying God or glorifying your self?
Is what you are doing promoting yourself and your platform or promoting the Holy name of Jesus Christ?

Gods word says in Matthew 5:48:

“48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”

We must have a higher standard than the world. We must live in the light and come out from darkness.

I am seeing Christians shift more towards the world then away from the world. Jesus is coming back soon and will He find faith on the earth?

Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Stay in the Word (read your Bible) and pray and He will show you the way.


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