The Cultural Shift

I have been so burdened for our culture the past year. I’ve seen huge cultural shifts that have taken place and I am still in disbelief. These shifts have taken place in small quiet ways and then when they are accepted they are shouted from the rooftops as truth. The enemy is sneaky and deceptive and he makes you think if you go his way you will be wiser and more spiritual. Kind of like Jezebel. Kind of like how he tempted Eve in the garden. He uses the same method today. It all starts with, “Did God really say this? Does God’s Word really say not to do that? My greek interpretation is different. You need to read between the lines. You need to totally cut out the Old Testament or the book of James.” What?!? This is almost laughable at how obscure it is. There are movements going on about the earth being flat and about sexuality. The basic role of male and female is being questioned and changed from every side. Women preachers preach with more intensity while male preachers s...