Lip Plumper?

I woke up to ads on Instagram telling me I needed lip plumper and lip filler and a wrinkle eraser cream. They say (who are they anyway) we should look a certain way, be a certain size even after having multiple babies, and fit into a social mold. They say we should lengthen our lashes but God says we are accepted in the Beloved. “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” That’s Bible. The Lord desires that we conform to His image. Instead of focusing on our outward appearance, He focuses on the heart. He tells us to love, to be kind, to forgive, to be meek and patient. He wants to change our pride to humility, our envy to contentment, our jealousy to love. He wants to change our gossip to encouragement, our lies to truth. He gives us a garment of praise and a robe of righteousness. He gives us the armor of God in Ephesians. When I think of getting spiritually ready it excites me. When I think of all...