Should I Have More Kids?

 When you have little ones, the days are long but the years are short. I can’t get over that my oldest is 17. When I was a young Mom, older women would tell me that they wished they would’ve had more kids. I have the same regret, even though I have 4. ”Be fruitful and multiply” right? But I also know the loss and grief of miscarriage. I had one after Titus when I was 14 weeks pregnant and the doctor thinks I may have had a couple more. God is in control. I’m thankful for the blessings He has given and realize that all good gifts come from God and I don’t have control over it. God opens and closes the womb. He gives life and takes away. He has a plan that we don’t see here on earth…at least not all of it. When I look at Titus I am so thankful we said yes to God when He asked us to surrender to having more kids. That was hard. But I don’t regret surrendering to the Lord. 

You can read about my surrender story in my new Bible study called The Art of Surrender found at


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