
I am a perfectionist.  I used to brag about it and think that it was a good thing, but now I am starting to see how it can be a BAD thing.  I prided myself in a clean, organized, spotless house.  I used to judge other people's homes if they were messy. 
(Those were the days before three kids, who live at home!)  I used to not be able to sit down and talk to my husband unless every little toy was picked up and the whole kitchen was clean.  All he wanted to do was talk to me, but I chose to clean instead.  I was obsessive about it and it began to drive my husband and I crazy.  The perfectionist in me chose a neat house over relationships.   The Bible tells us to be hospitable and have people over to love them and feed them and fellowship with them.  It is much more fun to have people over and make a mess than to miss fellowship and sit looking at a neat kitchen!

One root of perfectionism is pride...and that is sin.
I was caring too much about what other people thought of me.  I wanted people to admire me, respect me, and look up to me because they thought I was perfect.  We all know that nobody is really perfect, but among women we want other women to think WE HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER!  That is being selfish and self focused instead of letting God get the glory for being my strength when I am weak and fall short (which is most of the time!)  Let me just tell you that I do NOT have it all together and I never will until Jesus comes.  I want to take off my mask and BE REAL with you.  We all need Jesus to be our All in All; our strength when we are weak, our mind when we've lost ours:), our joy, our peace, our hope, our security, and so many other things.
So I invite you to throw out perfectionism and quit trying to be Supermom so others will say "Wow, she's awesome, how does she do it all and look great!?"  Instead, try to be more like Jesus so others will say, "Wow, her walk with God makes me want to be closer to God." 


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