The Joys of Prayer

Do you pray specifically?  If not, you are missing out on some exciting stuff!  I LOVE to pray very detailed about things.  When you pray things that only you and the Lord know, it builds your faith when He answers.

God desires that we pray at all times, for all things.  I pray for BIG things and small things.  I pray for spiritual things and material things.  For example, I pray for people by name who are lost and in need of Jesus.  But there was a time when I prayed for a pedicure one time when I could not afford it and I won a free certificate for a pedicure that week!  Jesus cared about my silly toes because I am His daughter, His child!

I keep a list of prayer requests in my Bible that I pray for everyday.  I read a Proverb everyday so I keep my lists there.  I pray certain things for my family daily.  Daily requests: wisdom (James 1), confess and repent of sins, to protect our marriage, the prayer of Jabez, to restore the joy of our salvation, to be a godly help meet and mother, etc.....I also have a long list I pray over our children daily that includes things like salvation, purity, future spouse, heeding correction, protection from evil, etc.  The list is what Susanna Wesley prayed over her children.

There are a number of people that I pray for daily as well.  Extended family, people in our church, people I discipled, lost people, friends, and specific churches.  Pastors need our prayer everyday because they are on the front lines in the battle field!

If this overwhelms you, just add one new person or thing to your prayer list today.  Make it a habit to pray everyday about something specific and watch with anticipation as God answers!


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