Moment with the Master Week 6

I am so proud of you for finishing the study of Psalm 63!  Now we are going to study the book of James.  It is one of my favorite books of the Bible.  It has a lot of practical things to learn and apply.
First pray and ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you and to teach you through the Scripture.
1.      Read James 1:1.  Who wrote this book and to whom did he write it to?
2.      Read James 1:2-4.  What are we supposed to count as joy?  What does the trying of your faith produce?  What happens after patience has her perfect work?
3.      Read Romans 5:3-6.  How are Romans 5:3-4 similar to James 1:2-4?
I love to remember these verses when I am going through trials.  All Christians go through trials at various times in our life.  Some trials are short, some are long, some seem like they will never end.  God has a perfect plan and a reason for each trial you go through.  He can see the end result and He is not worried one bit.  God knows how much pressure you can handle and will allow that trial and pressure to make you stronger.  Patience and endurance through trials strengthen your testimony.  That is what these verses are talking about.
4.      Read James 1:5 and Matthew 7:7.  What does God give freely if you just ask?  Proverbs talks a lot about searching for knowledge and understanding.  There are a lot of things we could ask for in prayer but one thing I ask for daily is wisdom.  When you have wisdom you are then able to make right choices which impact your entire life, even what you ask God for!
5.      Read James 1:6-8.  How are we supposed to ask God?  What does that mean?  Matthew 11:24 helps answer that question…read Matt. 11:24.  When we pray we must pray in faith believing that God will answer…because of course He can!  A double minded man prays double minded only halfway believing and thinking God can answer.
6.      This week think about some specific prayer requests or maybe just one prayer request that you can commit to prayer according to these verses.  Start getting in the habit of asking God for wisdom daily.  Change your way of praying from doubting to believing.  Expect God to answer!


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