A thought for Resurrection Day

Read Galatians 2:20.  Dissect this verse using a dictionary.  Look up each word and read the verse with the meaning of the defined word.
Meditate  on this verse this week.
List things in your life that the Lord wants you to put to death or die or be crucified with Him….things in your flesh, sin, things that pull you away from Him.

Now list things to be resurrected in your life to take the place of the things you are getting rid of to be closer to Jesus.  Example: I am getting rid of watching a soap opera and will instead read my Bible or pray during that time.  Example: I am not going to read certain things or look at certain things and will instead listen to godly music.
Think about Jesus’ death on the cross and what He went through because He loves you.  Ask Him how He desires that you live for Him.


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