Softly and tenderly

Last week we had fall break and did not do school for a few days.  It was soooo nice.  But, you can't always stay on break and today was the dreaded MONDAY.  We were back to the daily grind and routine of school and chores and cooking and chasing a toddler and... and.. and....

At one point during the day I was talking to my son trying to get him to finish a worksheet but he kept walking off because he had better things to do that grabbed his attention
 I was silently getting frustrated with him and was thinking to myself, "Ugh, why doesn't he just stop and listen to me!?"   

At that moment the Lord spoke gently to my heart and said, "That's how you are with Me.  I want to have your attention all day long but you have "better" things to do that grab your attention"  Oh, the Lord is so soft and tender sometimes when He speaksThat was all it took for my heart to break over the thought of how I made Jesus feel when I turned aside to other things.  Like the old hymn says "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, calling old sinner come home..."  My devotion the other day was on supping with Jesus.  It said that Jesus is always there waiting at the table to dine and sup with you.  It is you (and me) who have to choose to come and dine with the Master at His banqueting table.  Who doesn't want to go to a banquet?  I mean, when you get invited to a fancy banquet don't you want to go?!  I do!  I enjoy it and get to eat good food and enjoy good fellowship.  How much more so should we desire to go to God's banqueting table!  Every time I spend quality time with God, good one on one fellowship with Him, I always leave feeling so FULL of JOY and satisfied.  I leave full of vision and purpose and a burden for the souls of people.  Oh friend, there is so much God longs to tell you but He is waiting on you to come to Him.

"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28


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