The Aloha Chicken Did Me In

Okay, so yesterday I absolutely LOVED pureeing vegetables and cooking up a storm...but today...not so much!  Ha!  I am one of those women who can love something and then hate it that quick I guess.  (Although I don't do that with things that matter, like my husband and children:)) Anyway, I think my problem was because:

I didn't spend time with the Lord in the morning and commit my day to Him

I woke up late because I have been going to bed too late

I have been out of the house a lot the past couple weeks and am still trying to catch up on everything 

We had five people stop by the house while I was cooking (at three different times)

I was trying out three new recipes that I'd never made before at one time (I don't recommend this)

I was somewhat watching three to five small children on and off (and trying to prevent a fork stabbing throwing fight between my youngest two boys)

I was having bad cramps which made me want to be mean:)

I am complaining aren't I?  Today I was reminding my sons about how it is wrong to complain because the Bible says to "Do all things without murmurings and disputings" (Phil. 2)   (Does that include cooking and cleaning?)  Our devotion just so happened to be about how the children of Israel complained and then faced bad consequences.  It's hard to teach my children something that I have not quite mastered yet.  They know this and they see that I am not perfect.  They see me apologize to their Dad.  They see us kiss and make up and say we are sorry and forgive each other.  They see and hear me ask God to help me not to complain or worry or fear.  They also see all the answers to my prayers and I remind them often. 

Well, after I made a mess of the kitchen and a mess of my emotions I was ready to say "Aloha" to the Aloha chicken!  (Doesn't Aloha mean hello and goodbye in Hawaii?)
I sat down to eat and my husband loved the food (with the hidden sweet potatoes and pineapple in the chicken and the cauliflower in the macaroni and the stuffed acorn squash and bok choy salad).  No wonder I was in the kitchen four hours not counting the clean up time afterward (but I had energy to do the dishes bc I ate my veggies:))  Well, I did clean some as I cooked...and here is a quick pic of my frozen purees...

                                      It will be worth it, here is my motivation...

                                                           Healthy Boys

                            My niece and nephew (I have more that aren't pictured, sorry guys!)

                                                            How Sweet!


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