Homemade Skin Peel

Skin peels can be very expensive.  I mean, they ARE expensive.  And for that reason, I have never had one...although I want one, one day.  I found a recipe a while ago for a homemade skin peel that I have yet to try.  

It's hard to make time to pamper myself when I have 3 young boys, if ya know what I mean!  And sometimes we just don't feel like we are worth pampering...or that maybe it's too ungodly or too vain to indulge in such things.

I don't think so.  You are God's Princess!  You are a saint (if you are born again and washed in the blood of the Crucified One, Jesus)! John 14:6
You are a child of the King!

I believe it's a godly thing to strive to be attractive for your good ole hubby.  He sees you in your housecoat and fleece pajamas too much...with no makeup and your hair a mess.  (You know, like I am today:))  

Anyway, I started using a different cleansing routine for my face and exfoliating my skin (which is a better way to prevent wrinkles and such than all the "anti-aging moisturizers/creams).  By exfoliating I mean getting my face wet and gently going across, up and down with my fingernails to get any dead skin off.  After this it is so smooth!  My hubby gives me more kisses on the cheek and comments on how smooth my skin is...see girls, it's worth a little effort:)

Back to the recipes for the skin peel...

Skin peels use AHA..acids which are in oranges, lemons, cream of tartar, yogurt, sour cream, egg yolk, strawberries, grapes, vinegar, apples, cider, wine, turmeric paste, and cucumber puree.

I have used sour cream applied to the face and neck for 15 min. til it hardens and then rinse off.  This helps clear acne as well.

I have also used strawberries mashed up and put on the face.  This helps take redness out of acne.  Leave it on til it gets tight and hard and then rinse off.

                                                                   Strawberry Masks

I have used apple cider vinegar.  By applying this to my face nightly as an astringent it took away the brown pregnancy spots on my face and is a natural skin lightener for dark marks, etc.  

I have used a homemade turmeric mask.  Nice and orange!  It did not stain my skin though...I was pretty scared!

You can also use cucumber puree juice with aloe vera gel, green tea or chamomile tea and gelatin.  Heat low to dissolve and apply.

Also pumpkin, pineapple and or tomato purees work as well.

Skin Peels work good to help acne scars that are pitted.

Homemade Skin Peel Recipe:

Gently heat 1 packet unflavored gelatin, juice of one lemon and one orange until dissolved.
Cool until almost set.
Whisk 1 egg yolk.
Apply thin layer to face and neck.
Leave on 20-25 min. or til dry.
Rinse off with warm water.
Gently pat dry.

Enjoy your smooth skin and go kiss your hubby!

"Wives, love your husbands...."


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