Let God Plant You

I am still reading My Utmost for His Highest (my best for His Glory) by Oswald Chambers for my daily devotion.  I also read Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare: Biblical Principles to Defeat the Devil by John Eckhardt.  Today the Lord showed me how they intertwined as He taught me from His precious Word.

Oswald said, "Watch for the storms of God."  That's easy because you pretty much know when you're in a storm.  Someone once said that all of life is either going into a storm, coming out of a storm, or living in the storm.  But God wants to teach us something through the storms.  Oswald said, "The only way God plants His saints is through the whirlwind of His storms.  Will you be proven to be an empty pod with no seed inside?  That will depend on whether or not you are actually living in the light of the vision you have seen.  (What vision has God given you?) Let God send you out through His storm, and don't go until He does.  (Timing is everything!)  If you select your own spot to be planted, you will prove yourself to be an unproductive, empty pod.  However, if you allow God to plant you, you will bear much fruit." (John 15:8)

So many people choose what they want to do with their lives and they don't even acknowledge God in any of it.  We think we know what is best..so untrue.  That's a lie from the enemy.  On the other hand, it IS hard to trust God and live by faith.  My hubby and I have tried to live by faith our whole marriage.  We have been laughed at, criticised, judged, and admired by some.  We have this verse on our wall, "For we walk by faith not by sight"  2 Cor. 5:7.  This reminds me that "the just shall live by faith" and that "faith pleases God".  

When you allow the whirlwind of His Spirit to lead you in the vision and calling He has given you, you will have fruit of some kind.  And you will be blessed in your obedience to Him. 

If you choose not to live in the light and you go your own way, it won't be good.  One of the verses in my Daily Declarations book was John 15:5, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."

I don't want the story of my life to be that I tried to do it all on my own...I know I can't do anything on my own.  Even if I did accomplish great things on my own it would be so silly for me to get the glory when I am only the clay and He the potter.

It reminds me of this tree in our front yard that is only in bloom for a short while before all its glory withers.  When the colorful flowers burst out I just stand there and admire it.  But then it all goes away...like our life and all the pretty things about it that would make people admire us.  We don't deserve the glory.  We are here today and gone tomorrow.  Why not allow the Creator to decide what to do with the created?  Let Jesus be your Lord and you will NEVER regret it.  You will only regret a life lived to please yourself.

There was a time when my hubby and I took our life in our own hands and got out of God's will.  It was the most miserable time in our lives.  We were depressed and confused until we fasted and prayed long enough to be sure about what God wanted us to do next.  Now we are in His perfect will, yet still in the whirlwinds of storms that come and go....but I see fruit...and God is pleased because He planted us where we are now. It was not our choice to live in Kentucky when our family is in Georgia.  But, we allowed God to plant us in the field where He needed us.  That meant trusting God to provide a home to live in, a place to start a church, and finances.  My husband had no job to go to other than starting a church by faith in another state.  Has God provided?  Yes, in every way.  Has it been easy?  No, but I love it, it's worth it.  I love seeing God come through in the nick of time. 

So, pray for us as we obey the Lord, and I will pray that you will choose to obey God and trust Him as you live by faith, abide in Him, and bear much fruit. 


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