The book that changed my perspective

A couple months ago I read a book called No Longer A Slumdog by K.P. Yohannan.  I got it from a pile of giveaway items at our homeschool coop.  I had no idea it would bring me to tears and give me such a burden.  I'm not one to cry that often either. 

It spoke of children in Asia who are in the lowest caste systems.  They are called slumdogs. These precious children are sometimes maimed and put out on the street to beg for money.  They are cruelly abused.  The stories I read about them were unbelievable.  Their parents are either dead or can't afford to feed them so they are forced out on the streets.

They live far away and you probably will never see them...but you can make a difference in their lives and in their community.  You can give them a meal everyday and put them in a Christian school where they will hear the gospel and get an education.  You can sponsor a child for $35 a month through Gospel for Asia.  (No one is paying me to blog about this).  All of that money goes straight to the child with no administration fees.  Our child's name is Shiv Kumar.  We have written him one letter so far and his picture is on our fridge to remind us to pray for him.  You can also sponsor an International Missionary.  This is an amazing ministry that anyone can do from their home.  All you have to do is "sacrifice" going out to eat one night with your family a month.  There are many ways to spend less money so you can give that $35 a month to literally change someone's life! 
Mother Teresa said, "Live simply so that others may simply live."

Beware, the devil does not want you to do this.  When I started trying to "live simply" I was tempted to buy a bedroom suit I saw on Craigslist (because our King size mattress is just laying on the boxsprings still).  I was also tempted to buy an Ipad (which I do not need).  Well, I did not buy either one of those expensive items even though my flesh wanted them both.  I kept thinking about that quote..."Live simply so that others may simply live."  There are so many things I want that I do not need.  God has blessed my life so much and He has given me everything I need AND MORE.  Lets be a channel of God's abundant blessings to others who are in DESPERATE NEED of food, safety, and education.

Go to and sponsor a child and/or missionary today.


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