Essential Oil Remedies

I am so thankful for my Young Living Essential Oils!  We were out of town last week and my son got a fever during the night.  I put peppermint oil on his feet and that took the fever down.  I also rubbed Thieves Oil blend on his belly.  (This oil supports the immune system and combats sickness, colds and flu).  My son was better in the morning!  

Then my other two boys got sick with a cough and cold.  I was able to use Lavender oil on their feet along with Winter Breeze Vapor Rub (, tell them I sent you) for their coughs.

I have also been putting RC and Raven oil on their chests and diffusing Eucalyptus, Thieves and Raven throughout the house.  (The diffuser comes with the Young Living Starter Kit.)

And they all smell so good!!

Check it out at and sign up for the Starter Kit which comes with a diffuser (GREAT DEAL).  My member # is 1288141 


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