Family Business Guest Post

This is a guest post from Stacy McDonald.

A Family Integrated Home Business

work family signs

Most families are separated during the work day, whether or not they want to be. Dad goes off to work. Maybe mom does too. If mom stays home with the children, there is often a harsh financial sacrifice.
But, what if your family could stay home together and work together on a family business? What if you could do it without some huge financial investment, without hours and hours of time and focus? What if mom could get it started by basically doing what she’s doing anyway (using and talking about her essential oils), and dad could help in the background if he wanted to – until her business exploded and he decided he could come home and be with the family all day, every day! Yeah. Really.
dreamstime_xs_29536991 home business faith family workIn 2010, when a friend sent me my first sample of oils, I discovered the huge difference between the essential oils I had been using and Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. I was blown away by the difference.  I had always assumed all oils were basically the same; but, the amazing results we began to experience proved me wrong!
Young Living oils are so pure and so expertly grown and distilled…this is what made the difference! We used them for cuts, scrapes, bruises, cold sores, ear aches, dizziness, headaches, attention span, sleep, snoring, pain management, stress, wart removal, fungus, household mold issues, air cleansing, pregnancy, muscle cramps, PMS, blemishes, bug bites, and the list went on! My husband stopped calling them my “snake oils” and started asking me what oil would work for whatever his needs were! Ha!
But, beyond the health benefits, we discovered that God had more in store for us! He not only wanted us to use the oils for ourselves, He also expected us to share what we had discovered with others! And, in the process, we found that Young Living was an amazing source of additional income for us, as well as for our family and friends!

dreamstime_xs_35663389 mom baby computerA Stay-at-Home Mom’s Dream Business
As I used my oils in everyday life, I started to get questions from others. Eventually, people wanted to know how they too could get started using essential oils. All I did was give them my member number, so that they could list me as the one who referred them (as their enroller). I quickly discovered just how generous Young Living’s referral program was! See The Accidental Paycheck

A Family Integrated Business
As a homeschooling mom and pastor’s wife, I was convinced that I didn’t have time to “sell” anything. So, I resisted the “business” aspect of Young Living for quite a while. I simply used my oils and wrote about them on my blog.
At first, I just earned enough to cover the cost of my oils, plus a little extra; but, as I became more deliberate with my sharing habits (offering samples, giving gifts, talking and writing about the oils etc.), it became clear that I was building a growing, thriving organization.
Networking Moms Unite!
And it only got better! Other homeschooling and stay-at-home moms—moms who absolutely loved their oils—started to contact me with questions about how to make Young Living a home business. Some of them had already “accidentally” earned paychecks. Others were interested more out of necessity—they needed more income in their households for various reasons (husband’s layoff, medical needs etc.).
Before I knew it, James and I had a strong, growing group of leaders in our organization who were in turn establishing their own strong leaders. And we continued to grow…like crazy!

Stay-at-Home Daughters
oil display jessica
Jessica McDonald, Young Living Senior Star
Recently, our 23-year-old daughter established her own business in our organization, Therapeutically Yours. We found this was a wonderful way for her to earn an income from home—an income from a business she will be able to take into her future marriage. And all that she’s learned about essential oils will be invaluable to her in  her own family someday.
At the same time, we are able to help her build—we work on it together as a family. Even our youngest children like to share with others how much the oils help them!


Which brings me to another great reason to make Young Living your family business! The very business structure of Young Living is based on biblical principles. That isn’t to say that Young Living is a “Christian company,” or that it’s run by all Christians, but the business model itself requires that you help others. You cannot succeed in Young Living unless you help others to succeed. If you focus only on yourself, you will never get anywhere. It’s just the way it works.
Which also makes it ideal for helping your children to establish their own business—a business that is ultimately tied to your business, making it easy to invest in their success. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!
Five of our adult children have now established businesses in our organization. Some are thriving and others are just getting started, but they all have reachable goals; and we’re able to invest in their success in a way that also helps us to reach our own personal goals for the future too!
McDonald VI Family
Young Living Silvers
Blanchard Family
Young Living Senior Stars
Hector Family
Young Living Silvers
Sanford Family
Just Getting Started!
Reasons to Consider a Home Business with Young Living
  • Low cost investment (Your only initial investment is a $150.00 starter kit containing products you use!)
  • Stay-at-home mom (and daughter) friendly
  • Stay-at-Home Dad (and son)-friendly
  • Homeschool family-friendly
  • Invest as much or as little time as you want!
  • No bookkeeping
  • No inventory to manage
  • No employees to manage
  • No shipping
  • Self-paced efforts
  • Helps and serves others
  • Finances your family’s healthy lifestyle
  • Tax benefits
  • Travel opportunities (visiting and volunteering at one of the farms would make a great homeschool field trip!)
  • You’ll have help to establish and grow your business by people who have an incentive to teach you everything they know!
  • You decide how much you want to make by how much time and effort you put into it
  • A chance to develop a residual income that offers more time for family and ministry, as well as old age security
Whether you’re simply interested in earning your first Accidental Paycheck or your family is ready to establish a thriving Young Living business, I am here to help you get started! Email me at with questions.

People get involved in Young Living as a business for various reasons. Here are a few:
  • A desire to help and bless people
  • Need extra income
  • Get out of debt
  • Education costs
  • Looking to build a residual income
  • Vacation/Travel
caleb and mommyTo get started using therapeutic grade essential oils with your family, I recommend purchasing our Premium Starter Kit.  This way, you’ll enjoy wholesale prices all the time! It includes eleven of Young Living’s most popular essential oil singles and blends, an ultrasonic diffuser (worth $100.00!), essential oil samples for sharing, and 2 NingXia Red immune boosting drinks!  Visit and sign in. My member # is 1288141.  Put this where it says Enroller/Sponsor #. referenceguidesmall
By the way, I am not a doctor – just a mom who uses essential oils in her own family. Please know that any information provided on The Common Scents Mom is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Thanks Stacy!  I am so blessed to have my Young Living Essential Oils.  We use them all day long everyday!

Email me your questions at


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