Media Fast

Our family decided to do a seven day media fast. Hmmm. We were all in the car together on a long trip and that’s when we made the decision. 

7 days. No TV. No Facebook. No social apps. 
I loved it! 
The kids and my hubby did it also. They loved it too. 
My teenager may have broken it a day or two early by watching a You Tube video. Ugh. 
I had a desire maybe 3 different times to get on Facebook but I didn’t. 
It was mostly when I was bored sitting at the table finishing eating I would want to scroll through or post something I was doing on Facebook. Instead I would either sit there and think or talk to one of my children. 

It made us look at our kids faces more and we paid our kids and each other more attention. 

That was the biggest thing I noticed that was a huge deal...looking into our children’s faces instead of at faces of people on a screen. The house was more peaceful. 

Honestly, we kinda dreaded getting back on media again. Well, the boys did want to watch a movie. So now we are back on media...but I try to be more mindful of when I’m on it. 


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