Yield to Christ

I was listening to a founder of an incredible ministry talk to a Pastor in an interview and he said something that stuck with me. He said that Christ can only use us to the extent that we let Him. We must yield to Christ in order for Him to use us.  

God has plans and purposes for each life that He gloriously created in the womb. But some people will never experience what they were created for because they won’t yield to Christ. When you see a yield sign you know that you are supposed to slow down and look to see if anything is coming before you continue down that path. If another car is approaching then you must stop and let the other car go before you continue driving on that road.  We have to do that with the Lord. Like the verse says in Proverbs 3:5-6:

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

It doesn’t say “in some of thy ways” or “only when you aren’t sure what to do” or “only when you have a problem acknowledge me”. No. It says “in ALL thy ways acknowledge Him”. That means with every single thing you do.  “Lord, should I take this job? Lord, should I move here? Lord should I date this person?” 

I believe that every Christian who walks close with the Lord already does this. It’s like the old song says, “He walks with me and He talks with me.”

I think yielding to Christ is another way of saying that you have surrendered to Christ.  You can’t live your own life and be surrendered to God at the same time. Somebody has to be the boss and it will be either you or God.

“Holiness is far more than an inclination toward occasional acts of kindness and charity; it is a commitment to persistently surrender to God.”  (Sacred History)

Surrendering to the Lord and yielding to Christ is not a one time thing, it must be done over and over all throughout your life.

You won’t regret selling out for Jesus. Go ahead and yield to Christ. Surrender to His Lordship. Say yes to His direction and calling on your life. I can’t wait to see how God uses you for His glory! 


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