Making Marriage Last (Our book is done!)

Hey y'all!  So, I have been MIA lately on the blog because we have been working on getting our three books published.  Our fourth book is being edited now with my publishing agency and I should get it back soon.  In the meantime I want to tell you about our Making Marriage Last book.  My husband and I wrote it together about twelve years ago to teach to a small group bible study.  The couples were about twenty years older than us and they encouraged us to make it into a book for other people.

We ended up using it at a marriage retreat that we spoke at in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  Then it sat on my shelf staring at me for years.  It was on my to do list but never got done.  Can you relate?  Sometimes I would put it away in a filing cabinet so I would not feel discouraged that I had not had time to get to it yet.  Then the past few years I felt God leading me to write a book which led to finishing this book with my husband.  One night my husband could not sleep so he stayed up that night and finished adding to the marriage book.  The way we taught it at the retreat was in an outline like sermon notes.  So, he added to the outline while our four kids and I slept and then over the next week during the day I would edit and update it and add my thoughts to it.  (Don't tell him but I added several stories and illustrations about him.).

This book can be used for hurting and struggling marriages and we have used it for premarital counseling.  It can also be used with newlyweds or as a marriage tuneup/maintenance.  You know to have a good marriage you have to constantly work on it and feed it.  You can't neglect your marriage and expect it to be great.  You have to have those hard conversations and communicate about things you are going through.  Seasons change and as you get older you change as does your spouse.  You have to fight to find common ground and stay on the same page.  You have to encourage and hold eachother accountable.
You need to have fun together!  John and I just started dance lessons at home in our living room!  It makes me laugh so much! (Not at him, but at myself).

Just the other night John and I had a serious heart to heart about parenting.  I told him that parenting was easy when they were babies...but now that they are teenagers and preteens its more difficult.  We discussed things that we need to work on in ourselves so we can be good role models for our children.

The first chapter of the book is foundational as it talks about the KEY to having a good lasting marriage.  We also have a chapter for the husbands and a chapter for the wives. We talk about how to protect your marriage and how to resolve conflict. I hope that you will read it and share it with friends and loved ones!

You can find it on our website or on Amazon.

Get the book here!


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