
Decisions decisions. They are so hard to make sometimes. My husband and I were just sitting here talking about if we had made the right decision about something concerning our children. I wonder how many decisions we make in the course of a day. I read one time that a top executive wears the same color and type of suit everyday to work so he doesn’t have to consume his energy deciding what to wear. His job is so important that he has to make a lot of serious decisions daily and he doesn’t want to waste that energy deciding on clothing.

What can you simplify in your life to make decision making easier? At one time in my life I used a meal planning binder and looked at it weekly to meal plan. Another time I had a meal plan and grocery list laminated with our family favorite meals and the list of ingredients so I just took that to the grocery store and rotated those meals. Now my husband has been cooking so I can work on my other two part time jobs. We change things up quite a bit. 

A way to simplify your wardrobe that I have heard people rave about is creating a capsule wardrobe. You get rid of a lot of clothes you never wear and just have a small amount of clothing that can be mixed and matched to make life easier. Less clothes, less decisions! 

Then there are decisions like what house to buy and where to put your kids in school and if you should homeschool. And then if you homeschool what kind of curriculum are you going to use? Which church should I attend? Should I let my kids play sports? If so, how many different types of sports? Am I wearing you out yet??!! 

This is why we need to “acknowledge the Lord in ALL our ways and He will direct our path” Proverbs 3:5-6. Those are some of my favorite verses. How do you do that though? You just talk to God and pray and ask Him when a decision comes up. Lord, should we go this way or that way? Should we say yes or no to that open door? Mr. Riley told me to “seek a peace, not a fleece.” When you start on a path and don’t have a peace about it don’t do it. But if you have a peace then proceed. 

When I was a teenager I was at a big mall in Georgia and a lady came up to me and asked if I would come to a modeling agency. I told my parents about it and prayed about it and I decided not to go. I was flattered that they asked but when I thought about the road it might put me on I chose not to go. 

When I was in high school I quit the dance team because the moves didn’t glorify God. At the time that was the hardest decision I had ever made. But God gave me grace and filled my life with other things. 

Fast forward to college. I got asked by the college soccer team to join the team but I said no so I could focus on my grades and I ended up getting Valedictorian. Once again, I was flattered that they asked me to play a college sport (because they always saw me working out in the gym and running on campus) but I had never played soccer before and I was afraid it would take up too much of my time. 

I say all this to say that I did not say yes to all the good things that came my way. Sometimes you have to make a decision between two good things. We can’t say yes to everything. We have to sleep at night and take care of ourselves. That’s why we need to pray about everything. 

What decision are you trying to make? Have you acknowledged God? He will lead and guide you if you go to Him. Don’t be afraid to change directions. 


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