Be a Firework

 As I was sitting beside John and Titus watching the fireworks 💥 (my favorite thing to do) I had this thought. 

Our life is a vapor (my Nana said that and she’s 88 and the Bible says that). 

It’s here for just a moment, like a firework. 💥

Make your life count while you’re here on this earth for just a short while. 💥

Be a light for Jesus (in the end He’s all that matters). 😇

When you die and stand at the judgment you won’t be asked how many Instagram followers you had. 

You won’t be asked if you were famous on this earth. 

You won’t be asked how well your investments did or how much money you made. 

You won’t even be asked which church you attended and what you wore. 

All that matters is if you KNOW Jesus personally as your Lord and Savior and Friend and Redeemer. 

We can’t even trust in good works or religion. 

As our friend Joe Huff says, ”Is the blood enough?”

What will your life of a spark set ablaze? 💥🔥

Isn’t it truly about knowing and loving God, loving others and glorifying Him. 

I fail at this daily but His mercies are new every morning. 

Don’t mistake that for losing salvation. Once you are truly saved and born again it’s done. You don’t lose it. 

If you are confused or convicted by this reach out to me, message me or join my free Walk by Faith group to learn more about walking with Christ. 

Go be a firework. 💥🔥💥🔥


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