Stay Home

 To the young Mom who is trying to decide whether or not to stay home with your young children…stay home. 

The season goes by so fast and you won’t regret staying home with them. 

My oldest just turned 18. You can’t get that time back. 

We have four sons. We were barely getting by financially. 

I had numerous job opportunities during the time that I was staying home with them. 

I had some great ministry opportunities during that time as well. I said no to some and yes to some. 

I didn’t do a perfect job as a young mom and there are things I would’ve done differently now, but one thing I don’t regret is staying home with them. 

To this day, if I’m not home when they are they ask me where I’m at. 

Just being home with them brings security. 

No shame to the working moms out there but this was on my heart to share. I know someone needs to hear it. 

The Bible tells us to be keepers of the home. In order to be a keeper of the home we must be at home a good amount of time. 

Your baby will be 18 before you blink. 

Don’t miss those moments. 

The smiles, the cuddles, the first words, the rolling over, on and on. 

Because the older they get, the more they have responsibilities and things to do outside of the home. 

Enjoy every moment.  Soak it in.


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