
 I used to get jealous 🫣

and it caused me to criticize others to make myself feel better. 

(I know this is sin and it’s horrible but I’m being honest) 

Jealousy can be from an insecurity or a sense of not seeing your own value, purpose or giftedness. 

James 3:16 says, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”

“Wrath is cruel, and anger is overwhelming; But who is able to stand before jealousy?” Proverbs 27:4

Have you ever been around a jealous person? It’s hard to be in their presence. 

(The verse above says who can stand before jealousy)

I started to learn that life is better when I’m cheering for others success and not my own.

When I started to allow people more gifted than me to help me, it caused everything to grow. 

When I started lifting others up, recognizing their efforts and applauding them, it made my heart happy. 

I’m naturally competitive and the job I used to work fed that fleshly tendency. But it’s not about being the best, it’s about allowing others to show up as their best even if you are unseen. 

This is hard for people who like attention and recognition. But we must work for the audience of One, Jesus, and empower others to shine as well. 

Business people are more successful when they collaborate with others. 

I think it’s great when churches work together to reach more for Christ. 

When my husband pastored a small church plant I would take my children to the larger churches VBS (I still take my youngest to other churches events). 

I saw other ministries as a blessing, not an intimidation or competition. 

We are the body of Christ (if you are a believer) and we are to encourage one another and uplift one another until Jesus returns. 

Let’s serve with gladness and not let jealousy creep in.


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