What do you delight in?

I love chocolate.  I love homemade cookies and brownies (dairy free with whole grain flour and sucanat).  I love the fall.  I love spring.  I love seeing my kids smile and laugh.  I love music.  I love good preaching.  I love road trips.  I love my husband.  I love when someone cooks for me.  I love hot herbal tea. 

I could go on and on about the things I love and delight in.  When I first met the Lord Jesus as my Savior I was 13 years old.  I was so in love with Him and excited about Him.  I told everyone that passed by how awesome He was.  My life revolved around Him and I talked to Him all the time.  I sang to Him and danced with Him and truly enjoyed His presence.  Life is like that for those who fall in love with their mate as well.  Then after you have gotten to know everything about them and the warm fuzzy feelings become more rare you just live with your spouse instead of delighting in them.

I think it is hard to delight in someone when we don't trust them or when we are angry with them about something.  I know this is true in my life.  The times when I am angry at God are the times when I am not wanting to pray and sing and delight in Him.  It is hard to trust when you feel that way as well.  Maybe that is why in Psalm 37:3-8 it says to trust in the Lord before you delight in the Lord. After you delight in the Lord you will WANT to commit your way to the Lord...but then you will have to rest in Him and wait for His timing. 

"Trust in the Lord, and do good;so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
And he shall bring forth thy rightousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him...
Cease from anger..."

Life is so much more fun and pleasant when we daily choose to delight in the Lord.  In the past few months I have not been doing a good job at this.  Recently I am trying to be intentional about delighting in Jesus.  Psalm 37 says "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

Get alone with God in the quiet or with praise and worship music on and start singing to Him, talking to Him, listening to Him, dancing with Him, smiling at Him, pouring your heart out to Him....just enjoy His presence!  When we draw near to Him He will draw near to us...and He delights in YOU.


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