Raising Kids

I don't profess to know much about raising kids since my oldest is 4 years old, but I do know that I do a lot of the wrong things.  I keep asking God why He chose ME to be a mother of 3 sons because He knows I don't have a clue how to be a parent!  Maybe he wanted me to raise children because He knew it would be something that I could NOT DO in my own strength and I would HAVE TO rely on Him. 

I want to raise godly sons who have faith in God and trust in Him.  I want them to love Jesus and enjoy a relationship with Him.  I want them to have a good work ethic and a good attitude.  I want them to be servant leaders.  I want them to be good husbands and fathers.  Sometimes I realize that what I want THEM to be I am not! 

Yesterday we were cleaning out our storage unit and my sweet husband was standing there waiting on me to tell him what to move out.  I looked around and saw mold on the high chair and a mess in there and I started complaining about how all our stuff is going to get ruined...blah blah blah.  Then I got embarrassed because I thought our godly neighbors could probably hear me so I stopped.  My husband said,  "You shouldn't worry if the neighbors hear you because our kids can hear you and it's a bad testimony to them."  OUCH  Our kids are watching us and listening to us ALL THE TIME so we should live "above reproach" in front of the ones we are training to march in the army for Christ.  We can only do this by confessing our faults to Jesus moment by moment and repenting and relying on His grace and mercy!  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"...even be a godly parent!  I read this quote in a book I recommend called Jumping Ship, by Michael & Debi Pearl "Raise your kids as if your getting to heaven were based on their good works and good attitudes."  I sure am glad getting to heaven is not based on that because my kids don't always have a good attitude!  But, this quote challenged me to do a better job at training my kids for God's glory.  Even though parenting has its trying times, lets press on and raise an army for Christ! 


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