Apple Cider Vinegar and Sin

Apple cider vinegar can be used for many different things.  One of the uncommon ways to use it is for your face.  It can be used after washing and drying your face with soap as a toner.  If you put a lot on it will sting your eyes and not smell too pleasant to your spouse!  If you have any brown spots or red scars on your face it will slowly take the color out of them.  It helped fade my brown pregnancy mask away!  It also helps with acne. 

Like vinegar takes spots away, the blood of Jesus washes our sins away.  They once were as scarlet and now they are white as snow.  Sometimes we try to cover up our sinful ways or only let our family see our temper or hear our complaining.  Jesus, of course sees everything we do, and if thats not bad enough He even knows our motives!

The good news is "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Praise the Lord that He washes our sins away!  Now when you use the vinegar toner on your face twice daily thank the Lord for his cleansing!


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