
Sorry I have not posted all week.  My husband has been preaching a revival in Crawford, Ga.  It was Sunday through Wednesday but they extended it through Friday because God was really doing some things in people's lives.  Six people got saved, 2 rededicated their lives to Christ and two were called to the ministry!  Praise the Lord, He is so good! 

When I think about revival I usually sit around and wait for it to happen...I even pray that it will happen.  But this week I was challenged by the Pastor there to get on my knees and pray throughout the day before church and let God revive my own heart

A church service is made up of individual people.  Don't sit around hoping the service will be good because the person next to you spent time with God and is revived.  YOU be revived.  Our country needs revival and it starts in individual hearts...yours and mine.


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