Valentine's Day Everyday

I love Valentine's Day!  I even loved it when I was single.  I remember in high school I didn't have a boyfriend so I made little Valentine's to pass out to people who I thought needed one.  I wrote a bible verse on it and something about how the Lord loved them more than anyone else and He could be their Valentine. 

Sometimes it is easy to become selfish on Valentine's Day and just focus on what our lover is going to do for us...or have a pity party over what he did NOT do for us!  This year I wanted to focus on showing my husband how special he is to me on Valentine's Day instead of wondering what he would get me. 

It turned out that he outdid himself and was Mr. Romance on Saturday and sent me surprises through the day with sweet notes and took me out to eat. I was so overwhelmed at his thoughtfulness.  On Monday I cooked a meal he requested and set the table with a pretty white table cloth, red roses he gave me, and red and white candles.  We ate at home and I played the song we danced to on our wedding day and we danced:)  It fanned those flames again that can get lost among day to day living, kids and dishes. 

I think we should celebrate Valentine's Day more than just once a year.  The Lord tells us to love our husbands and I think He means everyday!  I have heard people say that men are easy to please because all they need is food, respect, and s*x.  Why not try these three things out on your husband and see if it makes him happy....maybe he will become romantic all of a sudden because you make him so happy!

Providing a good, homecooked meal for your husband requires planning and a little effort.  Have a menu plan for the week and base your grocery shopping off of it.  It will be worth it though to see the smile on your husband's face! 

Respect is harder to do sometimes because it is your overall attitude toward your husband.  When you are in public do not put him down or belittle him or boss him around.  Always compliment your husband and brag about him to others.  The more good things you say about him the more good you will see in him and he will rise to what you say.  "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."

The last need, s*x, is often neglected in some married couples.  We must be reminded that God tells us to love our husbands and this is how they feel loved.  It is a physical AND emotional need that we MUST meet as their wives.  When we don't meet this need we are setting them up for temptation.  Keep this in mind and start pursuing your husband for the glory of God!


  1. Hey there, Brandi. I'm just browsing through your blog.. this is the first time I've seen it! Love the sort of random posts & all the nutritional info! I appreciate this post b/c well, face it, marriage, like most everything else these days, has become so "optional" & "disposable". It's too easy to fall into the world view that it's all about being served instead of serving. I love how you've pointed out that the more we "brag on" our husbands, the more (mostly! LOL!) they want to rise to our pre-spectations. ;Þ I've found this to be true in real life during over 25 years of marriage.
    On another note, I'm so sorry we didn't know about John preaching all week while you guys were here!! SHEESH! Had we known, we'd have come out for certain!! We had such a good time visiting with you all & the time I got to hold Baby John was just precious to me.
    Hope you are all well & happy. Miss you tons.


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