Do You Feel Qualified to Serve God?

Do you feel qualified to serve God?  Do you want God to use you and your testimony to help others?  Do you want to do more for God?  Do you not know where to start?

Where to start: Get saved!  Write down your testimony.  FROG (Fully Rely On God).  He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3

You have to be FAT (Faithful Available Teachable)  
Faithful: Attend church regularly, get involved, be faithful at your job and home and w/ responsibilities-this builds you a good reputation ex. Numbers 12:7, Col. 1:7 (Moses and Epaphrus were faithful)  1 Cor. 4:2 (steward of the mysteries of God) Luke 16:10 (faithful in little) 1 Tim 3:11 (requirement for deacons wife) Prov 11:13 (concealeth matter) Prov 13:17 (faithful ambassador is health), Prov 14:5 (won’t lie) Prov 20:6 (hard to find) Prov 28:20 (abound with blessings)

Available:  To God and To Others
To God: Exodus 3:1-4 Moses and burning bush: When the Lord saw that Moses stopped what he was doing, made himself available, and turned aside to see then God called him…Moses said Here am I…Be Surrendered and willing for God use and He will equip you (Ex 3:10-12)
To others:  be a loving friend (faithful though who spreads no gossip)(Prov 17:17) be a praying friend (Eph 1:15-16), call and text/ facebook encouragement to each other (Eph 4:29 and 4:32

Teachable: don’t think you have arrived at godliness, beware of pride Prov 16:18 (pride comes before a fall), 1 Peter 5:5-6God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble-teachable, Romans 12:2 (be transformed/teachable by the renewing of your mind), there’s always room for improvement


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