Is Dating a Priority?

I can't wait to go on a date with my husband (sometime-hopefully soon)!  Our two day vacation together spoiled me and now I want to date him more frequently!  I know some couples who faithfully go on a date night every Friday night.  We are not that disciplined.  Sometimes we get too busy or too tired or don't have extra money for a meal and a babysitter.  Sometimes when it is time for our date I would rather stay home and take a nap or catch up on things around the house, but I go anyway and it turns out good.  We must be diligent to protect our marriage and to help it thrive.  It is YOUR JOB to make your marriage a priority.  Don't expect other people to make your marriage a priority.  They will try to fill your calendar up with everything that's good and fun but sometimes you have to say NO for the greater good of your marriage and family.

So look at your calendar and plan a date with your spouse and enjoy it!

Date Ideas:  Bowling, picnic, arcade, mall, movies, long walk, a new restaurant, ice cream, double dates, driving around, drive to the place you met or married or went to college


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