Discipling Your Children

I was at the pool with my 4 kids and I was trying to study my Sunday School lesson. The paper kept blowing in the wind and my kids kept needing my attention. I kept having to put the papers down and hold the baby.

God reminded me of a truth I heard Mrs. Duggar share about writing a book while mothering all her children. Someone asked her how she got the book done with her kids interrupting her so much. She said that they werenʼt the interruption, the book was the interruption. Her job was first and foremost to be their mother and writing the book was an extra thing.

Along the same lines, your children are not interruptions to your studying and devotions. They are your main disciples. If you have children, God has chosen the exact people (little people they may be) to be your disciples and your followers. They may not be old enough to click like and follow on your social media pages but they are following you and watching you.

I always feel a tad ashamed when my 10 year old sees me looking at my phone. I usually tell him Iʼm responding to a message or looking up a recipe so he doesnʼt think Iʼm playing. But sometimes I am on Facebook and his look reminds me to put the phone down and talk to him.

Be intentional about discipling your kids. Do devotions with them and make them do their own devotions if theyʼre old enough. Give them godly books to read. My Mom paid us for reading godly books and memorizing Bible verses in the summer. Now I love to read!

Pray with your children once a day or more than once a day! Pray over your meals and before bed and before tests or appointments. Pray when a prayer request comes your way.

Talk about the Bible and what God is teaching you. Take your kids to church and Vacation Bible School. Donʼt quit going to church over the summer.

Be an example and do the things you want your kids to do.

Go and make disciples of all nations...and start with your kids.


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