Budget Blown

Hey yʼall! I shared in a previous post about an envelope budgeting system where you write down an amount you are going to spend on groceries and an amount you are going to spend on Other/Fun/Spending. I knew the amount for groceries was going to be hard to stay under because with a new baby Iʼm not cooking from scratch to save money. I do make his baby food when Iʼm home but not while Iʼm out of town.

The first week on the budget I was excited and I stayed under budget and proudly showed my husband. The second week I went over budget on groceries and spending and I was so stressed and discouraged about it.

My hubby said he liked me better without a budget because having this budget envelope was all I thought about. I was writing down every time I spent money from buying stamps to dry cleaning to fast food etc. It became hard to keep up with because I would get behind and save receipts and then sit down to write all the receipts down only to find we overspent. So I would think I had a certain amount to buy that makeup or dress on Amazon only to later find I shouldnʼt have spent that money.

 (We paid all our bills on time but Iʼm just saying I was trying to save money instead of spend money after paying bills).

Another thing that threw us way off budget was my son accidentally had a bike wreck into a truck and it put a tiny scratch on the truck which cost us $631 and that was not in our budget! I give up!

Now Iʼm back to doing what we were doing before and just tithing, paying bills and being frugal at the grocery store and wise with spending.

Do you budget? How is it going for you? Share your tips in the comments.


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