Getting your Belly Back After Baby

I want my body back after having four babies. Letʼs just be honest. I used to have a four pack of abs and now I have four kids and maybe some flabʼs. But they are going away let me tell you.

I am sitting here on my neon yellow exercise ball drinking an iced coffee protein shake after doing a 20 minute diastases recti healing workout still trying to catch my breath.

It is so hard to find time to exercise when you have four kids who are at home with you all the time. (I had to pause the workout video several times because I got distracted. Some of that was me being squirrelly, not the kids but still!) Keep trying to squeeze those workouts in though!

I think staying in somewhat good shape is important for overall health and wellness. It can also help stress and boost your mood. Yep. Get that blood pumpinʼ
Before I got married I exercised at a minimum of three days a week if not 5 to 7 days a week. I also had time to lay out and get a great tan every summer. (You are probably thinking I was so vain and I guess I was!) There are more important things to do with my time now like care for my children and our home. And help my husband and figure out how to feed boys.

When I got married and had my first two children I still did exercise 2 to 3 times a week and loved it. But after that third child...and he is my hyper always on the go always full of energy and never took naps and never gets tired even at midnight child....yeah no more needs to be said. Then add baby number 4 to the mix who loves to be held. (I spoil them by holding them but I donʼt regret it because they grow fast.) Exercising kinda went to the wayside. I would workout here and there but not like I used to.

Even though I can fit into a pair of jeans I wore before this fourth pregnancy my tummy is not back to what I want it to be or what it used to be and I heard today that 75% of postpartum women struggle with something called diastases recti. That is where you have a gap between your two abdominal walls because of the pregnancy belly and the weight gain that happened so quickly in your abdominal area. Or mine rather. It can happen to men too.

But there is hope! There is healing! If you do certain exercises and get up and down a certain way that gap can close and then you can go on to other workouts. Or you can eat what you want and wear lose shirts which I have also done...donʼt judge.

If you are a Mother then it may help you to look into testing to see if you have this problem called diastases recti. All you have to do is lay down and put your fingers over your belly to feel it. Then doing a few things each day could help heal it.

Good luck!


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