Did Mary Compare?

“Comparison is the thief of joy” I’ve seen it to be true in my own life. I can be happy with my home and decorations until I’m scrolling on social media and see something better. What if Mary did that? Mary, the mother of Jesus, could’ve compared her life to others. She rode on a donkey for miles on end with a big pregnant belly. When I was 8 months pregnant I rode in an old fashioned carriage and it was so bumpy and painful I can somewhat imagine what it could’ve felt like for her. Uncomfortable to say the least. Mary and Joseph traveled between 60-90 miles to the census, part of which was over hills. Mary didn’t have the excitement of monogrammed wedding shower gifts, parties and getaways (except when she went to see Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist). She carried the shame of a young, pregnant, unwed mother. She knew she was a virgin, but the town didn’t. If you’ve seen The Nativity, you may notice tha...