
Showing posts from June, 2011

Be Your Hubby's Cheerleader

An older godly lady reminded me of the importance of encouraging my husband.   Most men need words of affirmation.  A lot of men receive accolades at work from their boss or other employees.  Some men might never receive the encouragement they need to become a better man.  We have a grave responsibility and an awesome opportunity to do something for our husbands that is so simple, yet so important: be his cheerleader and number 1 fan! I don't want my husband to receive his support and encouragement from a female employee or secretary.  I want him to receive it from me, his wife:)  It is easy to think of the negative things about our spouses and the things in them that we would like to change.  However, if I always focus on my husband's negative qualities (which aren't many-I got a good man!) then they will continually be in my mind and heart and will eventually come out of my mouth in the form of discouragement .  When we discourage our husbands it sets them way behind a