
Showing posts from 2010

Bringing in the New Year

As I write this there are only two hours left of the year 2010!  What a year this has been for our family.  Following Jesus is never boring.  We have made so many new friends this year and I am so thankful for the body of Christ.  I am thankful for a lot of things this past year but I am most thankful that the Lord gives grace and mercy.  When we fall down, he picks us up.  When we are weak, He is strong.  When we need grace He gives it.  When we don't deserve mercy, He gives it.  This has been a year that God has shown me all my faults and all my weaknesses.  It was overwhelming at times and I got discouraged at times...but there was freedom when I repented and when I made the Lord my strength.  The year 2010 has shown me that I am no good without the Lord.  I am nothing without him and I have no reason to be proud.  If we get prideful He will humble us...."Pride goeth before destruction"  What has the Lord shown you this past year about Himself?  What has He shown you

When you're sick in your soul

I think the health of our body and our spirit go hand in hand a lot of times.  The Bible says that "a merry heart doeth good like medicine" Our family has been taking turns battling physical sickness and after awhile all of my surrounding circumstances made my soul sick as well.  It started with being on bedrest the last part of my pregnancy and in the middle of that moving from Kentucky to Georgia while my husband finished working in Ky.  I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and now a 2 month old baby.  Thankfully our family helped out A LOT or I couldn't have done it.  So, I had the baby (great story for another blog) and my husband got finished working and back home with us and we were all good.  Then, 3 times in one month my husband about got killed by trees while deer hunting!  A tree fell on our jeep with my 2 sons in it and if it had been a foot to the left it would've landed on them.  Then my husbands arm was pinned between a moving vehicle and a tree and it

How to get through flu season...

Sickness is going around these days and I don't want you to get it!  I choose not to get the flu shot for many reasons, but I do use other things to prevent or shorten the flu.  Go buy you some Vitamin D3, echinancea and elderberry.  You can find these at a health food store or you can visit or to find many vitamins and supplements, etc.  I love these companies because they have excellent products, fast delivery and they love the Lord.  Take Vitamin D and drink some echinacea tea or buy an herbal tincture with elderberry in it and take them all together when you start feeling sick.  I make my own herbal tinctures because it is cheaper and it is so easy to do.  Another thing you can do to boost your immune system is to take garlic.  You can buy it in capsules or eat it raw like I do!  Happy Health!

Natural Health

Since the birth of my first son four years ago I have been studying natural health, nutrition and herbs.  There is a world of information out there in numerous books and online to dig into.  I love sharing the things I've learned to help friends and family stay healthy.  Here is a TINY TIP...Put several drops of oregano oil in olive oil and rub it on your belly or soles of your feet to clear your sinuses.  You can also put a few drops of oregano oil in juice and drink it three times a day to help your sinuses.  I rubbed it on my skin this week and it worked!  (Just don't rub your eyes:) 

I'm finally here!

Hey y'all! I am so excited about starting this blog.  It has been on my heart to do for awhile now and thanks to my friend Lizzie-here it is!  I feel like the girl on the movie Julie and Julia when she starts her blog wondering if anyone out there will care to read it.  I pray that this blog will be a source of encouragement for your life, spiritually and physically.  We need bread and water to live just like we need Jesus and His Word to live.  I hope to provide refreshment for your soul and health to your body.